Service contract S2: Technical assistance for project supervision Contract commencement date: 10.03.2009 Contract period...
Works contract CL12 – Water tanks and pumping stations in Cluj-Napoca Contract commencement date: 21.03.2012...
Procurement contract F3 – extension of SCADA system Contract commencement date: 16.01.2012 Contract period...
Works contract CL2 – Rehabilitation and extension of waste water treatment plant Zalău
Contract commencement date: 09.09.2009
Contract period: 33 months
Contract price: 29.263.797,64 RON (excl. VAT)
The contract includes the execution of works for the following objectives:
Works contract CL3 – Rehabilitation of water treatment station at Vârşolţ and works at water sources at Jibou, Cehu Silvaniei and Huedin
Contract commencement date: 07.03.2011;
Contract period: 13 months;
Contract price: 25.449.990,00 RON (excl. VAT).
Contract objective:
1. Water tanks and sources of Cehu Silvaniei:
Rehabilitation of wellfield at Sălsig:
- Abstraction wells;
- Pumps control room;
- Automation.
Rehabilitation of pumping station at Ulciug:
- Tank 200 m3;
- Pumping station;
- Automation system.
Rehabilitation of distribution tanks at Cehu Silvaniei:
- Control room;
- Tank 1000 m3;
- Tank 2500 m3;
- Valve chamber. SCADA system. Water and sewerage networks in Jibou and Cehu Silvaniei.
2. Wellfields at Jibou, including the following works:
- Rehabilitation of well structure, civil works of architecture and finishes, fencing, access gates;
- Replacement of existing pumps, installation of sensor and flow meter, procurement of electric panel;
- Installation of pipes connecting the wells to collection system;
- Rehabilitation of pumps control room, civil works of architecture and finishes;
- Automation and SCADA system.
3. Water sources at Bologa, supplying Huedin town, including the following works:
- Rehabilitation of drain;
- Raw water flow meters chambers;
- Construction of new fence;
- Collecting chamber;
- Chlorine dosing station.
4. Rehabilitation of water treatment station at Vârșolț, including the following works:
- Works for site development;
- Installation of flow meters;
- Build abstraction and raw water pumping station;
- Build new coagulation stage;
- Rehabilitation of settlement tanks;
- Rehabilitation of existing “old” sand filters;
- Rehabilitation of existing “new” sand filters;
- Rehabilitation of backwashing installation;
- Chemical dosing installation;
- Chlorine dosing station;
- New tank for treated water and pumping station;
- Rehabilitation of sludge treatment installation;
- Rehabilitation of buildings and interiors;
- Provision of laboratory equipment;
- Replacement of existing pipes;
- Automation and SCADA system
- Electric works.
Works contract CL4 – Rehabilitation and extension of waste water treatment plant Cluj-Napoca
Contract commencement date: 29.06.2011
Contract period: 21 months
Contract price: 147.956.000 RON (excl. VAT)
Contract objective:
- Demolition works of existing structures and access ways;
- Works for mechanical treatment stage (discharge channel, transport channel, fine screens hall, grit removal, grease separator, pumping station, measurement devices, distribution chamber, settlement tanks, sludge disposal system);
- Works pentru biological treatment (distribution chambers, aeration basins, nitrification basins, blowers room, phosphor removal station by precipitation, settlement tanks, pumping stations, measurement devices);
- Works for sludge treatment (tank, sludge digesters, post-thickeners , gas meter, burner, energy cogeneration plant, other process improvement works);
- Other works (administration building, works on internal water and sewerage networks, SCADA system, electric system).
Works contract CL5 – Rehabilitation and extension of waste water treatment plant Dej
Contract commencement date: 23.09.2009
Contract period: 33 months
Contract price: 42.578.999,98 RON (excl. VAT)
Contract objective:
Rehabilitation of waste water treatment plant including:
Works contract CL6 – Rehabilitation and extension of waste water treatment plants Gherla, Huedin
Contract commencement date: 23.02.2011
Contract period: 21 months
Contract price: 34.040.769 RON (excl. VAT)
Works at waste water treatment plant Huedin: Works for site development:
Construction of mechanical treatment facilities:
Works contract CL7 – Water and sewerage networks, pumping stations in Şimleu Silvaniei and Huedin
Contract commencement date: 25.11.2008
Contract period: 27 months
Contract price: 26,879,939.54 RON (excl. VAT)
Works in Huedin included:
- Rehabilitation of water networks – streets: Zorilor, Avram Iancu, Băii, Târgului, Lăutarilor, Luceafărului, Piaţa Republicii, Piaţa Victoriei, Teilor, Mănăşturului, ;
- Extension of water networks – streets: Târgului, Câmpului, Moţilor, Prundului, Bradului, Protopop Aurel Munteanu, Nucului, Horea, Pomilor, Molidului, Colonia nouă, Dealului;
- Rehabilitation of sewerage networks – streets: Avram Iancu, Piaţa Republicii, Vlădeasa, Horea;
- Extension of sewerage networks – streets: Târgului, Horea, Molidului, Ecaterina Varga, Izvorului, Câmpului, Fildului, Izvorului, Apei, Bradului;
- Rehabilitation of domestic waste water pumping station – Sp1 – Izvorului street and Sp3 – Horea street.
Works in Șimleu Silvaniei included:
- Rehabilitation of water networks – length 4090 m – streets: Soarelui, Zambilelor, Trandafirilor, Salcâmului, Vasile Alecsandri, 22 Decembrie, Gheorghe Lazăr, Ioan Osian, Nicolae Bălcescu;
- Extension of water networks – length 5140 m – streets: 22 Decembrie 1989, Crișan, Cloșca, Horea, Aurel Vlaicu, Nufărului, Bihorului, Gheorghe Lazăr;
- Rehabilitation of sewerage networks – length 3108 m: district Gheorghe Lazăr, Train Station and streets: Nicolae Bălcescu and Partizanilor;
- Extension of sewerage networks – length 10055 m – streets: Castanilor, Bihorului, Stadionului, Grădinarilor, Aurel Vlaicu, Nufărului, Vasile Alecsandri, Crișan, Cloșca, Horea, Simion Bărnuțiu, Livezilor, Stephan Marthonfly, Trandafirilor, Zambilelor, Mihail Sadoveanu, Soarelui, 22 Decembrie 1989.
- Rehabilitation/construction of domestic waste water pumping stations: Sp1 – Piața 1 Mai; Sp2 – T. Vladimirescu street; Sp3 – Cartier Stadion; Sp4 – Brădet; Sp5 – Simion Bărnuțiu street; Sp6 – Stadion street; Sp7 – 22 Decembrie street.
Works under this contract have been completed in 2011.
Contract works CL8 – Water and sewerage networks in Jibou and Cehu Silvaniei
Contract commencement date: 09.10.2009;
Contract period: 24 months;
Contract price: 11.810.000,00 RON (excl. VAT)
Works executed in Jibou:
- Rehabilitation of water networks – streets: Cloșca, 22 Decembrie, Stadionului, 1 Mai, Tudor Vladimirescu, Odorheiului, Plopilor, Amurgului;
- Extension of water networks – streets: Vișinilor, Livezilor, Orizontului, Izvorului;
- Rehabilitation of sewerage networks – streets: Stadionului, 1 Decembrie and districts: Garoafelor and Avram Iacu;
- Extension of sewerage networks – streets: 22 Decembrie, Tudor Vladimirescu, Libertății, Stejarilor, Odorheiului, Ronei;
- Rehabilitation of domestic waste water pumping station – streets: 22 Decembrie, Libertății, Stejarilor, Odorheiului.
Works executed in Cehu Silvaniei:
- Rehabilitation of water networks – streets: Hodorului, Libertății, Gării, Doja;
- Extension of water networks – streets: Crișan, Livezilor, Plopilor, Tudor Vladimirescu;
- Rehabilitation of sewerage networks – streets: Gheorghe Doja, Plopilor, Pop de Băsești, districts: Avram Iancu and Victoriei;
- Rehabilitation of drinking water pumping station – Crișan street;
- Rehabilitation of domestic waste water pumping station – Gării street.
Works under this contract have been completed in 2011.
Contract works CL9 – Rehabilitation and extension of water distribution and sewerage networks in Zalău city
Contract commencement date: 31.12.2008
Contract period: 24 months
Contract price: 22.388.705,03 RON (excl. VAT)
This contract included the following works:
- Rehabilitation of water networks – streets: Fabricii, Traian, Rozelor, Voievodu Gelu, General Dragalina, Principală Crişeni, 22 Decembrie 1989, B.N. Antal, Tudor Vladimirescu;
- Extension of water networks – streets: Morii, A. Mureșanu, George Coşbuc, Baconski, Leontin Ghergariu, M.R. Paraschivescu, A. Pumnul, Sărmaș, Tipografilor, Lacului, Lupului, Merilor, Crângului, Dealu Morii, Depozitelor, Măcieşului, Margaretelor, Malea Mitii, Tuser Todor;
- Rehabilitation of sewerage networks – streets: Avram Iancu, General Dragalina, Ioan Nechita, Dumbrava, Porolissum-Fabricii, Năzuinţei, Păcii, Unirii, Voievod Gelu, Victor Deleu, Aleea Tineretului, M. Viteazul, S. Bărnuțiu, Sf. Vineri, Horea, Armoniei, Kiss Karoly, T. Vladimirescu, Gh. Doja, M. Gorki;
- Extension of sewerage networks – streets: Ady Endre, 1 Mai, George Coșbuc, A. Mureșanu, Cloşca, Trandafirilor, Dacia, Olarilor, Băii, Gh. Doja, Stanei, Căprioarei, Crasnei, Pârgului, Prunilor, 9 Mai, N. Titulescu, M. Eminescu, N. Bălcescu, D. Gherea, Cerbului, Decebal, Cireşului, Margaretelor, Rozelor, Traian, Narciselor, Maxim Gorki.
Drinking water pumping stations – 6 units on streets: Salcâmilor, Leontin Ghergariu, Sărmaş, Tipografilor, Merilor, Dealul Morii.
Works contract CL10 – Drinking water transport main Livada-Dej
Contract commencement date: 20.01.2009
Contract works CL11 – Water and sewerage networks in Dej and Gherla
Contract commencement date: 18.03.2010; |
Works in Dej:
- Rehabilitation of water networks – streets: Alecu Russo, P-ţa 16 Februarie, I.P. Reteganu, Corneliu Coposu, Mărăsesti, Aleea Primăverii, Dealul Florilor, Ecaterina Teodoroiu, Podgoreni, Crângului, Dobrogeanu-Gherea, 1 Mai, Dumbrava Roşie, Tudor Vladimirescu, Căpşunilor, Nicolae Bălcescu, Ciceului, Miron Costin, Petru Rareş, Simion Bărnuţiu, Traian, Tatra, I.L. Caragiale, Fântânilor, P-ţa Bobâlna, Parcului, Ady Andre, Victoriei, Gutinului, Înfrăţirii, Castanilor, Veseliei, B.N. Antal, Merilor, Prunilor, Brazilor, I. Creangă, Izvor, Eroilor, Pop Retegan, Corbului, Vasile Alecsandri, Mioriţei, M. Layos, Gh.Şincai, M. Eminescu, Crişan, Mărăşti, Veveriţei, Dealul Rozelor, Crizantemelor, Fazanilor, Alecu Russo, Bistriţei, Liviu Rebreanu, Libertăţii;
- Extension of water networks – streets: Valea Jichisului, Somcutului;
- Rehabilitation of sewerage networks – streets: Varga Cătălina, Cutinului, Crângului;
- Extension of sewerage networks – streets: Pintea Viteazul, Câmpului, Ocna Dej, Fundătura, A.I. Cuza, Romaniţei, Calugăreni, Izlaz, Plevna, Pescarilor, Branduşei, Baia Mare, Toamnei, Canalului, Ciprian Porumbescu, Sălciilor, Cărămidarilor, Câmpului;
- Rehabilitation of water tanks (4 existing tanks – Dealul Sfântu Petru) and water pumping station;
- Rehabilitation of domestic waste water pumping stations – 3 existing units on streets: Pintea Viteazu, Călugăreni, Izlaz.
Works in Gherla:
- Rehabilitation of water tanks – Hăşdate and Călăraşi street;
- Rehabilitation of water networks – streets: Călăraşi, T. Vladimirescu, Izvorului, Dumbravei, P-ţa Libertăţii, M. Viteazu, Avram Iancu, P-ţa Unirii, Victoriei, Plugarilor, Florilor, V. Lucaciu, E. Racoviţă, P-ţa Lăutarilor, 1 Mai, Crinului, Liliacului, D. Corbea, Morii, Moţilor, Ş.O. Iosif, Plopilor, Parcului;
- Extension of water networks – streets: Ciocârliei and Precup;
- Rehabilitation of sewerage networks – streets: Clujului, Grădinarilor, Ştefan cel Mare, Avram Iancu, Plugarilor and park crossing area;
- Extension of sewerage networks – streets: Ciocârliei, E. Precup, Grădinarilor and drum Hăşdate;
Rehabilitation of domestic waste water pumping station – Sp1 – drum Hăşdate.
Works contract CL12 – Water tanks and pumping stations in Cluj-Napoca
Contract commencement date: 21.03.2012
Contract period: 16 months
Contract price: 25,951.183 RON (excl. VAT).
Works contract CL13 – Extension of water and sewerage networks in Cluj-Napoca
Contract commencement date: 12.04.2010;
Contract period: 18 months;
Contract price: 23.390.000 RON (excl. VAT).
- Extension of water networks – streets: N. Stănescu, Panait Istrate, Mircea Eliade, Curcubeului, Rapsodiei, Ion Neculce, Alex. Donici, Frantz Liszt, 1 Decembrie 1918, Fântânele, Pomet, Mamureşului, Bethlen Gabor, Colonia Breaza, Academician David Prodan, R. Ladea, Veseliei, C. Borhanci – main street and towards Sopor, V. Gelu, T. Palady, Cantonului, M. Romanu, Drum Placsoy, Calea Turzii, Eugen Ionesco, Făgetului, Dumitru Brahanu, Sf. Ion area;
- Extension of sewerage networks – streets: R. Ladea, Colonia Borhanci, Colonia Sopor, A. Gaudi, A. Vaida Voievod, Cantonului, M. Romanul, Calea Turzii, Drumul Făgetului, Eugen Ionesco, Cartier Europa, ,Kas Karoly, Miko Imre, Duliu Zamfirescu, I. Merca, G. Bacovia, Victor Papilian, Teo Peter, G.V. Bibescu, Frunzişului, Câmpului, Calea Baciului, Bethlen Gabor, Vântului, Alex Donici, Ion Neculce, Fânaţelor, Câmpul Pâinii, Odobeşti, General Dragalina;
- Domestic waste water pumping station on Alexandru Donici street.
Works contract CL14 – Rehabilitation of water and sewerage networks in Cluj-Napoca
Contract commencement date: 16.11.2009 | ||