The general objective of the Project  Extension and rehabilitation of water and waste water systems in Cluj/Sălaj counties – Improvement of water supply, sewerage and waste water treatment systems in Cluj–Sălaj area” is the rehabilitation, modernization and development of water, sewerage and waste water treatment infrastructure in the regional system Cluj–Sălaj, for the purpose of fulfilling the conformity obligations of the Accession Treaty and of the European Directive 98/83/CE regarding the quality of drinking water, transposed into national legislation with the Law no. 311/2004 and of the Directive no. 91/271/CE transposed into national legislation with the Government Decision no. 352/2005 regarding the treatment of urban waste water.

Specific objectives of the Project are:

  • Improve the quality of drinking water supplied to consumers
  • Ensure water supply to all consumers
  • Significantly reduce water losses
  • Reduce maintenance and operation costs
  • Balance the water supply systems
  • Reduce the number of damages and increase the customers satisfaction level
  • Eliminate environmental and water bodies pollution
  • Improve performances of operational, financial and environmental management
  • Increase population coverage of waste water collection services
  • Reduce the amount of infiltration in the project area
  • Ensure environment friendly final disposal of sludge from waste water treatment plants.



Socio-economical objectives of the Project implemented by Compania de Apă SOMEȘ S.A. for the three quarter million residents served in eight cities and towns in Cluj and Sălaj counties are:      

  • Improve life quality level for population within the service area by providing access to drinking water and sewerage services, 96% (from 69% before) of the population has access to EU compliant water network; 100% (from 92% before) metered water connections; 79% (from 74% before) of the population connected to sewerage network; 100% (from 86% before) collected and treated waste water;     
  • Improve health and sanitary conditions in the project area: safe drinking water will contribute to reducing the health risk in particular for children. Collection and treatment of waste water according to European and Romanian norms will contribute to improvement of sanitary conditions in urban areas and environment, by reducing the leakage of waste water from damaged sewerage and improving the effluent quality for waste water treatment plants. These will also have a positive impact on the health level within the project area.